Copyright notice: |
Copyright (c) 2010 by Jeremy Dooley. All rights reserved. |
Font family: |
Myanruse Thin |
Font Subfamily name: |
Regular |
Unique font identifier: |
Jeremy Dooley:Mynaruse W00 Thin:2010 |
Full font name: |
Mynaruse W00 Thin |
Version string: |
Version 1.10 |
Postscript name: |
MynaruseW00-Thin |
Trademark: |
Mynaruse is a trademark of Jeremy Dooley. |
Manufacturer Name: |
Jeremy Dooley |
Designer: |
Jeremy Dooley |
Description: |
Ú |
URL Vendor: | |
URL Designer: | |
License Description: |
The Font-Software and any updates upgrades, additions or modified versions are the intellectual property of Jeremy Dooley. (DooleyType)
You are licensed to use the software on one computer, unless additional licenses are purchased or a multi-license agreement is reached.
You are only allowed to transfer or assign the Font-Software to a third party if you do not retain any copies of the Font-Software in whole or in part.
Only for the purpose of outputting particular files may you take a copy of the font(s) you have used for such files to a commercial printer or other service bureau.
Embedding of the Font-Software into electronic documents or internet pages is only permitted in a secured read-only mode. Licensee must ensure that recipients of electronic documents or internet pages cannot extract the font software from such documents or use the embedded font software for editing purposes or for the creation of new documents.
DooleyType is not responsible for any problems that may arise from the use of the fonts, such as computer malfunctions, etc. DooleyType is additionally not responsible for idle time, shortfall of production, waste of material and any other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that are caused by our Font-Software. In the event of a problem that the font file(s) does not work, DooleyType would only provide a replacement for the font(s) you ordered.
Upon termination of this Font-Software License Agreement, you agree to either return or to destroy and refrain from using the Font-Software, the media, copies and/or any modified or merged portions thereof.
You agree to inform your employees or any other person having access to the Font-Software and copies thereof, of the terms and conditions of this Font-Software License Agreement and to ensure that they shall strictly abide by these terms and conditions. |
License Info URL: | |
Copyright notice: |
Copyright (c) 2010 by Jeremy Dooley. All rights reserved. |
Font family: |
Myanruse Thin |
Font Subfamily name: |
Regular |
Unique font identifier: |
Jeremy Dooley:Mynaruse W00 Thin:2010 |
Full font name: |
Mynaruse W00 Thin |
Version string: |
Version 1.10 |
Postscript name: |
MynaruseW00-Thin |
Trademark: |
Mynaruse is a trademark of Jeremy Dooley. |
Manufacturer Name: |
Jeremy Dooley |
Designer: |
Jeremy Dooley |
Description: |
䑯潬敹呹灥⤍ਖ਼潵牥楣敮獥搠瑯⁵獥⁴桥潦瑷慲攠潮湥潭灵瑥爬⁵湬敳猠慤摩瑩潮慬楣敮獥猠慲攠灵牣桡獥搠潲畬瑩楣敮獥杲敥浥湴猠牥慣桥搮ഊ奯甠慲攠潮汹汬潷敤⁴漠瑲慮獦敲爠慳獩杮⁴桥⁆潮琭卯晴睡牥⁴漠愠瑨楲搠灡牴礠楦⁹潵漠湯琠牥瑡楮湹潰楥猠潦⁴桥⁆潮琭卯晴睡牥渠睨潬攠潲渠灡牴⸍湬礠景爠瑨攠灵牰潳攠潦畴灵瑴楮朠灡牴楣畬慲楬敳慹⁹潵⁴慫攠愠捯灹映瑨攠景湴⡳⤠祯甠桡癥⁵獥搠景爠獵捨楬敳⁴漠愠捯浭敲捩慬⁰物湴敲爠潴桥爠獥牶楣攠扵牥慵⸍浢敤摩湧映瑨攠䙯湴ⵓ潦瑷慲攠楮瑯汥捴牯湩挠摯捵浥湴猠潲湴敲湥琠灡来猠楳湬礠灥牭楴瑥搠楮散畲敤敡搭潮汹潤攮⁌楣敮獥攠浵獴湳畲攠瑨慴散楰楥湴猠潦汥捴牯湩挠摯捵浥湴猠潲湴敲湥琠灡来猠捡湮潴硴牡捴⁴桥潮琠獯晴睡牥牯洠獵捨潣畭敮瑳爠畳攠瑨攠敭扥摤敤潮琠獯晴睡牥潲摩瑩湧⁰畲灯獥猠潲潲⁴桥牥慴楯渠潦敷潣畭敮瑳⸠ഊ䑯潬敹呹灥猠湯琠牥獰潮獩扬攠景爠慮礠灲潢汥浳⁴桡琠浡礠慲楳攠晲潭⁴桥⁵獥映瑨攠景湴猬畣栠慳潭灵瑥爠浡汦畮捴楯湳Ⱐ整挮†䑯潬敹呹灥猠慤摩瑩潮慬汹潴敳灯湳楢汥潲摬攠瑩浥Ⱐ獨潲瑦慬氠潦⁰牯摵捴楯測⁷慳瑥映浡瑥物慬湤湹瑨敲楲散琬湤楲散琬湣楤敮瑡氠潲潮獥煵敮瑩慬慭慧敳⁴桡琠慲攠捡畳敤礠潵爠䙯湴ⵓ潦瑷慲攮⁉渠瑨攠敶敮琠潦⁰牯扬敭⁴桡琠瑨攠景湴楬攨猩潥猠湯琠睯牫Ⱐ䑯潬敹呹灥⁷潵汤湬礠灲潶楤攠愠牥灬慣敭敮琠景爠瑨攠景湴⡳⤠祯甠潲摥牥搮ഊ啰潮⁴敲浩湡瑩潮映瑨楳⁆潮琭卯晴睡牥⁌楣敮獥⁁杲敥浥湴Ⱐ祯甠慧牥攠瑯楴桥爠牥瑵牮爠瑯敳瑲潹湤敦牡楮牯洠畳楮朠瑨攠䙯湴ⵓ潦瑷慲攬⁴桥敤楡Ⱐ捯灩敳湤⽯爠慮礠浯摩晩敤爠浥牧敤⁰潲瑩潮猠瑨敲敯昮ਖ਼潵杲敥⁴漠楮景牭⁹潵爠敭灬潹敥猠潲湹瑨敲⁰敲獯渠桡癩湧捣敳猠瑯⁴桥⁆潮琭卯晴睡牥湤潰楥猠瑨敲敯昬映瑨攠瑥牭猠慮搠捯湤楴楯湳映瑨楳⁆潮琭卯晴睡牥⁌楣敮獥⁁杲敥浥湴湤⁴漠敮獵牥⁴桡琠瑨敹桡汬瑲楣瑬礠慢楤攠批⁴桥獥⁴敲浳湤潮摩瑩潮献 |
URL Vendor: | |
URL Designer: | |
License Description: |
The Font-Software and any updates upgrades, additions or modified versions are the intellectual property of Jeremy Dooley. (DooleyType)
You are licensed to use the software on one computer, unless additional licenses are purchased or a multi-license agreement is reached.
You are only allowed to transfer or assign the Font-Software to a third party if you do not retain any copies of the Font-Software in whole or in part.
Only for the purpose of outputting particular files may you take a copy of the font(s) you have used for such files to a commercial printer or other service bureau.
Embedding of the Font-Software into electronic documents or internet pages is only permitted in a secured read-only mode. Licensee must ensure that recipients of electronic documents or internet pages cannot extract the font software from such documents or use the embedded font software for editing purposes or for the creation of new documents.
DooleyType is not responsible for any problems that may arise from the use of the fonts, such as computer malfunctions, etc. DooleyType is additionally not responsible for idle time, shortfall of production, waste of material and any other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that are caused by our Font-Software. In the event of a problem that the font file(s) does not work, DooleyType would only provide a replacement for the font(s) you ordered.
Upon termination of this Font-Software License Agreement, you agree to either return or to destroy and refrain from using the Font-Software, the media, copies and/or any modified or merged portions thereof.
You agree to inform your employees or any other person having access to the Font-Software and copies thereof, of the terms and conditions of this Font-Software License Agreement and to ensure that they shall strictly abide by these terms and conditions. |
License Info URL: | |