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ATypI Hong Kong 2012 Program

Date:2012-07-29 13:31:04| News|Browse: 66|Source: Adobe Blogs|Author: Dr. Ken Lunde
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IntroductionFor those who are already planning to attend ATypI Hong Kong 2012

For those who are already planning to attend ATypI Hong Kong 2012, or are considering it, the program has just been posted. The Keynote Speakers were announced a small number of weeks ago.

Given that this is the first time that ATypI will take place in East Asia, the number of CJK-related presentations is relatively high, and this should be expected considering its venue. To those who are on the fence about attending, I urge you to attend because ATypI is not likely to take place in East Asia for many more years. It is an opportunity that should not be missed. And, like other conferences, one of the greatest benefits—not listed on the program—is the opportunity for one-on-one interactions with others in this industry.

As a side note, I am very much looking forward to speaking at and attending ATypI Hong Kong 2012, and meeting new and familiar faces while there.

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