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Quark ships QuarkXPress Server 7.2

Date:2007-06-28 12:46:41| News|Browse: 107|Source: Digital Arts|Author:
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IntroductionQuark has released QuarkXPress Server 7.2, the new release of Qua

Quark has released QuarkXPress Server 7.2, the new release of Quark's dynamic publishing technology that combines the typography and graphic support of QuarkXPress with server-based performance.

The new XML capability in QuarkXPress Server 7.2 eases system integration and maximises a user's creative assets by repurposing content created in QuarkXPress into other systems, such as an email server, Web server or other content delivery environments. QuarkXPress Server 7.2 supports http, SOAP, .net, ASP, PHP, JSP and includes a Java manager for the rapid development of automated and scalable publishing solutions.

QuarkXPress Server 7.2 includes the QuarkXPress Server Manager for the centralised configuration of additional servers, load balancing and automated error reporting, Job Jackets to helpsensure that a print job adheres to the user's specifications from creation to production, and support for Intel Macs.

  • Follow FontKe on Wechat to get Zcode
  • Scan the Qrcode to participate in the SVIP lottery
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