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15 must-read typography articles

Date:2009-10-02 21:02:39| Typesetting|Browse: 82|Source: Typography Daily|Author: Mirko
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IntroductionImage by Jessica Hische from Daily Drop Cap.In the past years typ

Image by Jessica Hische from Daily Drop Cap.

In the past years typography related websites have been spreading across the web, providing an amazing amount of great resources for graphic designers and typography lovers. Here are some that I warmly recommend.

1. So you want to create a font? Part 1

Explanations about the process of font creation, basic methodology and software.

2. So you want to create a font? Part 2

Interesting looks on what to look for when creating a font.

3. 5 Principles And Ideas Of Setting Type On The Web

Some good insights and thoughts on working with web typography.

4. Taking Your Fonts to Market: Foundry, Reseller, or Go Solo?

If you have created some professional font, you should read this article before publishing it.

5. CSS Typography: Contrast Techniques, Tutorials and Best Practices

Interesting techniques and tips for CSS typography.

6. Typographic illustrations in Photoshop: 10 awesome tutorials

Good tutorials for creating typographic effects in Photoshop.

7. Typography in Motion

Amazing roundup of typography-related videos.

8. Type online

Ministry of Type take an in-depth look at solutions for the use of typography online.

9. 7 Rules for Mixing Multiple Fonts in Good Web Design

Great advice for better typography on the web.

10. 15 objects with typography

A collection of wonderful objects that make a great use of typography.

11. 40 Inspiring High Quality Typographic Wallpapers

Want to get some awesome typography on your computer's desktop? Take a look at this post.

12. Breathtaking Typographic Posters

Great roundup of gorgeous typographic posters.

13. 10 Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know

More rules for better web typography.

14. Web design is 95% typography

Must-read article to understand the importance of good typography in web design.

15. Typography Matters

Another great article on the importance of good web typography.

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