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Free QuarkXPress update offers redlining, notes and image enhancement

Date:2014-08-01 14:38:51| News|Browse: 84|Source: Digital Arts|Author: Michael Burns
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IntroductionQuarkXPress 10.2 has been released, available free of charge to a

QuarkXPress 10.2 has been released, available free of charge to all users currently on version 10.

The company claimed QuarkXPress 10.2 is fast, renders high-quality images and enables users to optimise their environment for onscreen image display and performance. The new update also introduces new collaboration and productivity features

QuarkXPress 10.2 introduces more control over the new Xenon Graphics Engine, introduced with QuarkXPress 10. Designers can use a preference option within QuarkXPress to balance between maximum performance and highest image display quality – depending on the project at hand.

A redlining feature track changes within QuarkXPress documents, allowing teams to view inserted and deleted text content made in a project and decide whether to accept or reject the changes.

The Notes feature stores comments in a project without affecting the actual content, by adding reminders and comments on the text content. A note in QuarkXPress now looks like the sticky notes designers and reviewers might stick to hard copy versions. Notes can also be exported as PDF notes when creating a PDF from the QuarkXPress project.

Quark said output from version 10.2 passes all version 4 Ghent Workgroup Output Tests, which is especially important for PDF/X-4 based workflows.There are also no limitations on nesting anchored boxes. Previous versions of QuarkXPress have a limit of two levels.

It's also now possible to export and import hyphenation exceptions created for a document and share the exceptions across projects to maintain uniformity. Hyphenation exceptions can be created for all 30+ languages supported by QuarkXPress and can be automatically synchronised when using Quark Job Jackets.

Until the end of August 2014, Quark will continue to offer the QuarkXPress Creative Pro bundle. The bundle offers anyone who purchases or upgrades to QuarkXPress 10 the option to choose £900 worth of tools for creative professionals.The update is available through the Auto Updater in QuarkXPress 10 or can be downloaded from Quark.

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