Mugison Mugiboogie Tour Poster
Source:ölf. License: All Rights Reserved.
Poster for selected shows of the manic Icelander in Germany. Client: 2fortheroad Booking Agency.
The type looks like Rudolf Koch's Deutsche Anzeigenschrift, originally published by D. Stempel AG. The "Schmal" (Narrow or Condensed) has been revived by Dieter Steffmann and Ralph M. Unger. Delbanco has the "Breit" (Wide), while Gerhard Helzel offers two weights, Breit and Schmal. Very likely, none of those digitizations were employed in the making of this poster. The letters used here are probably derived directly from a historic source and could be based on the "Eng" (Compressed). The 's' is clearly different, though. It probably was customized because the original form doesn't lend itself to being cut in half horizontally.
Cangji Fonts
Brand: 仓迹字库
Area: China
JT Foundry
Brand: 翰字铸造
Area: Taiwan, China
Area: Estonia
HyFont Studio
Brand: 新美字库
Area: China
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