Volkswagen ad, c. 1955
Source: All Rights Reserved.
Heinrich Jost's Beton series for the Bauersche Gießerei was started in 1929 with the Black (Extrafett). The Regular and the Bold (Halbfett) were released two years later, while two bold condensed weights were added in 1936. Beton is the French (and German) name for concrete.
Also from 1929 on, D. Stempel AG published the competing Memphis family by Rudolf Wolf. In the early 1930s, the Egyptian revival really took off. Lots of foundries followed the trend and released their own version. This wave included Stymie (ATF, from 1931), Karnak (Ludlow, from 1931), Welt-Antiqua (Ludwig & Mayer, from 1931) – also known as Atlas (Lettergieterij Amsterdam), Landi (Società Nebiolo), Rockwell (Monotype, from 1933), Cairo (Intertype, from 1933), Pharaon (Deberny & Peignot, 1933), Nil (Jan Idźkowski i Spółka, from 1934), Ultra (Schriftguß AG, c. 1935), and Nofretete (Genzsch & Heyse, 1939).
Cangji Fonts
Brand: 仓迹字库
Area: China
JT Foundry
Brand: 翰字铸造
Area: Taiwan, China
Area: Estonia
HyFont Studio
Brand: 新美字库
Area: China
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