FOT-筑紫明朝 Pro R font family series mainly provide Regular and other font styles.
FOT-筑紫明朝 Pro D font family series mainly provide Regular and other font styles.
FOT-筑紫明朝 Pro E font family series mainly provide Regular and other font styles.
FOT-筑紫明朝 Pro B font family series mainly provide Regular and other font styles.
FOT-筑紫明朝 Pro M font family series mainly provide Regular and other font styles.
FOT-筑紫明朝 Pro L font family series mainly provide Regular and other font styles.
DF華康明朝体 Pro-6 font family series mainly provide W3 and other font styles.
DF平成明朝体R Pro-6 font family series mainly provide W3 and other font styles.
DF華康明朝体 Pro-6N font family series mainly provide W3 and other font styles.