Ela Swashes font family series mainly provide Bold Italic,Bold and other font styles.
Ela Swashes Plain font family series mainly provide Italic,Regular and other font styles.
Ela Swashes Light font family series mainly provide Regular,Italic and other font styles.
Ela Swashes XeBold font family series mainly provide Regular,Italic and other font styles.
Ela Swashes XeLight font family series mainly provide Italic,Regular and other font styles.
Ela Swashes SemiLight font family series mainly provide Regular,Italic and other font styles.
Ela Swashes SemiBold font family series mainly provide Italic,Regular and other font styles.
☞ElaSwashesBold Macromedia Fontographer 4.1.5 30.03.2005;com.myfonts.easy.wiescherdesign.ela-swashes.bold.wfkit2.version.2nAB图片样张
☞ElaSwashesLightItalic Macromedia Fontographer 4.1.5 30.03.2005;com.myfonts.wiescherdesign.ela-swashes.light-italic.wfkit2.2nAC图片样张
☞ElaSwashesPlainItalic Macromedia Fontographer 4.1.5 30.03.2005;com.myfonts.wiescherdesign.ela-swashes.plain-italic.wfkit2.2nAE图片样张