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Fontke.com>Font>Balloon Craft Italic Version 1.00;July 30, 2020;FontCreator 64-bit
+ Follow Balloon Craft Balloon Craft ItalicVersion 1.00;July 30, 2020;FontCreator 64-bit
Balloon Craft Italic Version 1.00;July 30, 2020;FontCreator 64-bit 117 characters in total, assigned to the following Unicode blocks:
Unicode blocks Percent Total code count Total charaters
Basic Latin
75% 128 96
Latin-1 Supplement
11.72% 128 15
General Punctuation
3.57% 112 4
Currency Symbols
2.08% 48 1
Letterlike Symbols
1.25% 80 1
23.59% 496 117