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Fontke.com>Font>BabelStone 二简字 2
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BabelStone 二简字 2 8410 characters in total, assigned to the following Unicode blocks:
Unicode blocks Percent Total code count Total charaters
Basic Latin
77.34% 128 99
Latin-1 Supplement
7.03% 128 9
General Punctuation
10.71% 112 12
Geometric Shapes
2.08% 96 2
Ideographic Description Characters
75% 16 12
CJK Symbols and Punctuation
39.06% 64 25
1.04% 96 1
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
1.18% 6592 78
CJK Unified Ideographs
37.54% 20992 7880
Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
39.17% 240 94
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
0.09% 42720 37
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C
1.08% 4160 45
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D
3.57% 224 8
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
1.87% 5776 108
10.34% 81344 8410