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Fontke.com>Font>Americain Regular Version 1.000
+ Follow Americain Americain RegularVersion 1.000
Americain Regular Font main detail
Font family: Americain
Font style:
Font version: Version 1.000
Typeface type:
Characters: 385
Number of glyphs: 347
Font weight:
Font width:
Unicode blocks:
File format:
License type: The way of license is for reference only. Please contact the copyright party to purchase commercial license.
Font embedding license:
Americain Regular Name detail
Microsoft - English (United States)
Copyright notice: Copyright (c) 2012 by David Kerkhoff. All rights reserved.
Font family: Americain
Font Subfamily name: Regular
Unique font identifier: DavidKerkhoff: Americain: 2012
Full font name: Americain
Version string: Version 1.000
Postscript name: Americain
Trademark: Americain is a trademark of David Kerkhoff.
Manufacturer Name: David Kerkhoff
Designer: David Kerkhoff
Description: Copyright (c) 2012 by David Kerkhoff. All rights reserved.
URL Designer: http://www.hanodedfonts.com
License Description: END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT By installing, copying, or otherwise using fonts by David Kerkhoff, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. This license agreement represents the entire agreement, concerning the font, between you and David Kerkhoff (a.k.a. Hanoded Photography), (referred to as "licenser"), and it supersedes any prior proposal, representation, or understanding between the parties. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use fonts by David Kerkhoff. Any font by David Kerkhoff is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The fonts are licensed, not sold. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. The font is licensed as follows: (a) Installation and Use. David Kerkhoff grants you the right to install and use the font(s) for any purpose you see fit (except those mentioned in "(d) exceptions"), commercial or non-commercial, on websites or in print, as long as you do not sell or resell the font(s) on their own, or claim them as your own. You can install the font(s) on up to five (5) computers only. (b) Backup Copies. You may make copies of the font(s) as may be necessary for backup and archival purposes. (c) Embedding Fonts by David Kerkhoff may not be embedded in software, games, computer programs or the like. For this a special license is required. Embedding in PDF or print, in graphics, images or vectors is granted and no special license is required. (d) Exceptions Fonts by David Kerkhoff may NOT be used for pornographic, derogatory, defamatory or racist material (in any form, printed or virtual); fonts by David Kerkhoff may NOT be used by individuals or companies involved in child abuse, child pornography or child labour; fonts by David Kerkhoff may NOT be used by individuals or companies involved in destruction of natural resources and/or habitat, logging (even legal), palm oil exploitation/harvesting, tuna fishing, whaling, animal trafficking (be they wild or domesticated), oil and/or gas drilling or transporting and mining. Fonts by David Kerkhoff may NOT be used by missionaries, individuals or institutions of any creed or faith for the purpose of converting others to their creed or faith. Fonts by David Kerkhoff may NOT be used to instigate terror, hate, intolerance, fear or racism. 2. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS. (a) Maintenance of Copyright Notices. You must not remove or alter any copyright notices on any and all copies of fonts by David Kerkhoff and you may not alter any information contained within the font itself. (b) Distribution. You may not distribute registered copies of fonts by David Kerkhoff to third parties in any way; not for free/as a gift, nor for money/exchange of goods. (c) Prohibition on Modifications, Enhancements, Alterations. You may not alter, modify, enhance or decompose any fonts made by David Kerkhoff, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. 3. TERMINATION Without prejudice to any other rights, David Kerkhoff may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of David Kerkhoff's fonts in your possession. 4. COPYRIGHT All title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to fonts by David Kerkhoff and any copies thereof are owned by David Kerkhoff or his suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of fonts by David Kerkhoff is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by David Kerkhoff. 5. NO WARRANTIES David Kerkhoff expressly disclaims any warranty for the font(s). Fonts by David Kerkhoff are provided 'As Is' without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness of a particular purpose. David Kerkhoff does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any glyph, character, picture or accent within the fonts. David Kerkhoff further expressly disclaims any warranty or representation to Authorized Users or to any third party. 6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event shall David Kerkhoff be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or lost information) rising out of 'Authorized Users' use of or inability to use fonts by David Kerkhoff. David Kerkhoff shall have no liability with respect to the content of any fonts by David Kerkhoff, or any part thereof, including but not limited to errors or omissions contained therein, libel, infringements of rights of publicity, privacy, trademark rights, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy, moral rights or the disclosure of confidential information. © 2010/2012 David Kerkhoff / Hanoded Photography www.hanodedfonts.com
License Info URL: http://www.hanodedfonts.com
Americain Regular Measurement detail
Every Pixel unit: 1000 Size of superscript horizontal font : 700
Horizontal minimum: -126 Size of superscript vertical font 650
Vertical minimum: -231 Superscript horizontal deviation 0
Horizontal maximum: 799 Superscript vertical deviation 140
Vertical maximum: 1006 Size of subscript level font: 700
MacStyle: 0 Size of subscript vertical 650
Minimum readable pixel size: 3 Subscript horizontal offset: 0
Font directionHint: 2 Subscript vertical offset: 477
Ascending part: 802 Delete line size: 50
Descending part: -218 Delete line position: 250
Line spacing: 0 Font selection identifier: 64
Maximum step width: 819 Typography ascending: 802
Minimum left side beraring: -126 Typography descending -218
Minimum right side beraring: -130 Typography spacing: 0
Horizontal maximum width: 799 WindowsAscending part: 1006
Non component maximum points 0 WindowsDescending part: 231
Non component maximum contours 0 Bevel: 0
Word weight type: 400 Underline position: -75
Word width type: 5 Underline thickness: 50