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Fontke.com>Font>五经楷书 Regular
+ Follow 五经楷书 五经楷书 Regular
五经楷书 Regular 11639 characters in total, assigned to the following Unicode blocks:
Unicode blocks Percent Total code count Total charaters
Basic Latin
75.78% 128 97
Latin-1 Supplement
100% 128 128
Latin Extended-A
0.78% 128 1
Spacing Modifier Letters
11.25% 80 9
Greek and Coptic
0.69% 144 1
General Punctuation
13.39% 112 15
Currency Symbols
8.33% 48 4
Letterlike Symbols
2.5% 80 2
Mathematical Operators
5.08% 256 13
CJK Symbols and Punctuation
1.56% 64 1
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
0.38% 6592 25
CJK Unified Ideographs
53.92% 20992 11318
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
0.06% 42720 24
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
0.02% 5776 1
15.07% 77248 11639