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Fontke.com>Font>AndralisNDSCW01-BoldItalic Regular Version 1.11
+ Follow AndralisNDSCW01-BoldItalic AndralisNDSCW01-BoldItalic RegularVersion 1.11
Font family: AndralisNDSC-BoldItalic
Font style:
Font version: Version 1.11
Typeface type:
Characters: 272
Number of glyphs: 239
Font weight:
Font width:
Unicode blocks:
File format:
License type: The way of license is for reference only. Please contact the copyright party to purchase commercial license.
Font embedding license:
AndralisNDSCW01-BoldItalic Regular Name detail
Microsoft - English (United States)
Copyright notice: © Copyright 2004, Neufville Digital. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This font is licensed, not sold, and may not be reproduced without the written consent of Neufville Digital. Parts © Novatype, 2004.The digitally encoded machine readable outline data for producing the typefaces licensed to you is copyrighted (c), 2004 by and the property of Novatype, a subsidiary of VISINOVA bv. Andralis is a trademark of Bauer Types SA and Novatype, a subsidiary of VISINOVA bv. Unauthorised use prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Neufville Digital is a trademark of Visualogik/Novatype, used with the permission of Neufville SL.
Font family: AndralisNDSCW01-BoldItalic
Font Subfamily name: Regular
Unique font identifier: Novatype for Neufville Digital:Andralis ND SC W01 Bold Italic:2004
Full font name: Andralis ND SC W01 Bold Italic
Version string: Version 1.11
Postscript name: AndralisNDSCW01-BoldItalic
Trademark: Andralis is a trademark of Bauer Types SA and Novatype, a subsidiary of VISINOVA bv. Unauthorised use prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Neufville Digital is a trademark of Visualogik/Novatype, used with the permission of Neufville SL.
Manufacturer Name: Novatype for Neufville Digital
Designer: Rubn Fontana (2004)
Description: For embedding options, please contact: embedding@neufville.com This typeface was generated by my sadness about the death of Juan Andralis in August 1994. For some time I frequently wondered what would be best way to recover such an extraordinary spirit, how to fix for ever his great talents. He was a surrealist, a poet, a painter, a translator, a designer and a typographer, a printer, but mainly an affectionate educater. The impact of Andralis can be found in every person who met him. This font, more than a little tribute to him, is a profound offering of gratitude to his memory. Esta fuente tipogrfica surgi ante el desconcierto que produjo la desaparicin de Juan Andralis, en agosto de 1994. En aquellos primeros momentos, me preguntaba una y otra vez sobre cul poda ser la manera de recuperar alguna dimensin de ese espritu tan singular. Cmo anclar aquellos intangibles que lo caracterizaban. Surrealista, poeta, pintor, traductor, diseador y tipgrafo, impresor, pero fundamentalmente, un entraable educador. La obra de Andralis versa en cada una de las personas que tuvieron dilogo con l. Esta fuente es, ms que un pequeo homenaje, un profundo agradecimiento a su pensamiento.
URL Vendor: http://www.neufville.com
URL Designer: http://www.neufville.com/designer/fontana.htm
License Description: This font is licensed, not sold and may not be used without the written consent of Neufville Digital. GENERAL LICENSE TERMS (may be overruled by specific licence terms; may be adapted from time to time; for the latest version consult the Neufville Digital website) SINGLE USER LICENSE 1. This product and the adhering documentation has been provided to you under the following license terms: the price you paid for this product is a one time license fee; this license doesn't transfer any rights of the product to you. e.g. you don't own this product. The rights to copy and to distribute this product are reserved to Neufville Digital exclusively. This product and its contents are subject to copyright according to the copyright laws of the European Community. 2. You may use the software contained in this product to reproduce typeface(s) on a maximum of two printers or other output devices, that connect to a maximum of five CPU's in total, all of them located at a single site (address). When exceeding the numbers mentioned you need to apply for a multi-user or multi-site license agreement. You may not convert, alter or modify or reverse engineer (part of) this product or create derivative fonts out of it. 3. You are not allowed to embed the software in documents intended for public distribution or public viewing (e.g. Internet, CD-rom, e-Book) without prior consent in writing from Neufville Digital; The latter kind of use may be submitted to extra terms. 4. You are allowed to make a backup of this product for safety reasons only. You may not sell nor lend this product or a copy thereof, in whole or in part, to a third party. You may however transfer this product in whole, only after having obtained a written permission from Neufville Digital and you not retaining any copy of the product and the recipient must agree to all these license terms, without reserve, 5. By opening this package or by using this product you will be bound by the terms of this agreement, without any reserve. For any updates, questions, applications and further information, consult the Neufville Digital website:
License Info URL: http://www.neufville.com/license
AndralisNDSCW01-BoldItalic Regular Measurement detail
Every Pixel unit: 1000 Size of superscript horizontal font : 550
Horizontal minimum: -133 Size of superscript vertical font 550
Vertical minimum: -251 Superscript horizontal deviation 0
Horizontal maximum: 978 Superscript vertical deviation 80
Vertical maximum: 858 Size of subscript level font: 550
MacStyle: 0 Size of subscript vertical 550
Minimum readable pixel size: 8 Subscript horizontal offset: 0
Font directionHint: 2 Subscript vertical offset: 365
Ascending part: 858 Delete line size: 50
Descending part: -251 Delete line position: 250
Line spacing: 0 Font selection identifier: 320
Maximum step width: 1015 Typography ascending: 858
Minimum left side beraring: -133 Typography descending -251
Minimum right side beraring: -166 Typography spacing: 0
Horizontal maximum width: 978 WindowsAscending part: 858
Non component maximum points 113 WindowsDescending part: 251
Non component maximum contours 7 Bevel: -917504
Word weight type: 700 Underline position: -150
Word width type: 5 Underline thickness: 50