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Fontke.com>Font>Pliska Bold Version 1.100; ttfautohint (v1.3)
+ Follow Pliska Pliska BoldVersion 1.100; ttfautohint (v1.3)
Pliska Bold Name detail
Microsoft - English (United States)
Copyright notice: Typeface Copyright: Stefan Peev (c) 2016; Michael Sharpe (c) 2015; Alexey Kryukov (C) 2005; (URW)++ Design & Development (C) 1999; Valek Filippov (C) 2001; Dmitry 40in (C) 2001; The Omega Project (C) 1996 v. 1997-02-08; Free Software Foundation (C) 2002, 2003.
Font family: Pliska
Font Subfamily name: Bold
Unique font identifier: FontForge : Pliska Bold : 27-06-2016
Full font name: Pliska-Bold
Version string: Version 1.100; ttfautohint (v1.3)
Postscript name: Pliska-Bold
Manufacturer Name: Stefan Peev, Context Ltd
Designer: Stefan Peev
Description: The font Pliska is modification of the Tempora Regular, created by Michael Sharpe (c) 2015 which on its turn was derived from TemporaLGCUni by Alexej Kryukov, issued in 2005 under the GPL.
URL Vendor: http://www.contextbg.net
URL Designer: http://www.contextbg.net
License Description: This font is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. As a special exception, permission is granted to include these font programs in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that contains text to be displayed or printed using these fonts, regardless of the conditions or license applying to the document itself. This font is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
License Info URL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
Typographic Family name: Pliska
Typographic Subfamily name: Bold
Compatible Full: Pliska Bold
Sample text: Est enim oratio actionis exemplar et quasi ????????????????????????????????????????.
Pliska Bold Measurement detail
Every Pixel unit: 2048 Size of superscript horizontal font : 1024
Horizontal minimum: -1137 Size of superscript vertical font 1024
Vertical minimum: -682 Superscript horizontal deviation 0
Horizontal maximum: 3312 Superscript vertical deviation 512
Vertical maximum: 2351 Size of subscript level font: 1024
MacStyle: 0 Size of subscript vertical 1024
Minimum readable pixel size: 8 Subscript horizontal offset: 0
Font directionHint: 2 Subscript vertical offset: 1024
Ascending part: 1942 Delete line size: 102
Descending part: -449 Delete line position: 512
Line spacing: 57 Font selection identifier: 64
Maximum step width: 3420 Typography ascending: 1384
Minimum left side beraring: -1137 Typography descending -420
Minimum right side beraring: -332 Typography spacing: 113
Horizontal maximum width: 3312 WindowsAscending part: 1942
Non component maximum points 307 WindowsDescending part: 449
Non component maximum contours 8 Bevel: 0
Word weight type: 700 Underline position: -563
Word width type: 5 Underline thickness: 102