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Fontke.com>Font>Andron Scriptor W1 Regular Version 1.000 2005 initial release
+ Follow Andron Scriptor W1 Andron Scriptor W1 RegularVersion 1.000 2005 initial release
Andron Scriptor W1 Regular Name detail
Microsoft - English (United States)
Copyright notice: ᄅ 2006 Andreas Stoetzner, Medieval Unicode Font Initiative (MUFI)
Font family: Andron Scriptor W1
Font Subfamily name: Regular
Unique font identifier: AndreasStoetzner,publishedbyMUFIresearchgroup: Andron Scriptor W1: 2006
Full font name: Andron Scriptor W1
Version string: Version 1.000 2005 initial release
Postscript name: AndronScriptorW1
Trademark: Andron is a trademark of FSI Fonts und Software GmbH.
Manufacturer Name: Andreas Stoetzner, published by MUFI research group
Designer: Andreas Stoetzner
URL Vendor: www.hit.uib.no/mufi
URL Designer: www.signographie.de
License Description: This font is a special edition of Andreas Stoetznerᅰs Andron font project. It has been issued on behalf of Prof. Odd Einar Haugen by the Medieval Unicode Font Initiative (MUFI) to support scholarly editing purposes for medieval philological studies. This single font is provided free of charge. The creator and the provider of this font (Andreas Stoetzner, MUFI) have to be credited in colophones of works which utilize the font. ANY ALTERATIONS TO THIS FONT, ITS CONTENTS, DISPOSITION, GLYPH SHAPES AND NAMING ARE AGAINST COPYRIGHT LAW AND THEREFORE STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. If any enhancements of the font seem to be desirable, users should forward this to MUFI in order to get their suggestions considered in future updates of the font.
License Info URL: www.hit.uib.no/mufi
Typographic Family name: Andron Scriptor W1
Typographic Subfamily name: Regular
Compatible Full: Andron Scriptor W1
Andron Scriptor W1 Regular Measurement detail
Every Pixel unit: 1000 Size of superscript horizontal font : 700
Horizontal minimum: -728 Size of superscript vertical font 650
Vertical minimum: -387 Superscript horizontal deviation 0
Horizontal maximum: 1470 Superscript vertical deviation 140
Vertical maximum: 930 Size of subscript level font: 700
MacStyle: 0 Size of subscript vertical 650
Minimum readable pixel size: 9 Subscript horizontal offset: 0
Font directionHint: 2 Subscript vertical offset: 477
Ascending part: 871 Delete line size: 50
Descending part: -256 Delete line position: 250
Line spacing: 23 Font selection identifier: 64
Maximum step width: 1462 Typography ascending: 709
Minimum left side beraring: -728 Typography descending -247
Minimum right side beraring: -591 Typography spacing: 46
Horizontal maximum width: 1470 WindowsAscending part: 871
Non component maximum points 265 WindowsDescending part: 256
Non component maximum contours 12 Bevel: 0
Word weight type: 400 Underline position: -107
Word width type: 5 Underline thickness: 36