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Fontke.com>Font>VU Arial Regular Version 2004.04 1993 Romanised Viet-Pali-Sanskrit
+ Follow VU Arial VU Arial RegularVersion 2004.04 1993 Romanised Viet-Pali-Sanskrit
VU Arial Regular Name detail
Microsoft - English (United States)
Copyright notice: Copyright (c) PhuocHung - VISCII 1993 - VietUnicode 2002, 1993. All rights reserved. No commercial distribution. No Remap / Modification.
Font family: VU Arial
Font Subfamily name: Regular
Unique font identifier: PhuocHung-VISCII1993-VietUnicode2002: VU Arial: 1993
Full font name: VU Arial
Version string: Version 2004.04 1993 Romanised Viet-Pali-Sanskrit
Postscript name: VUArial
Trademark: VU Arial is a trademark of PhuocHung - VISCII 1993 - VietUnicode 2002.
Manufacturer Name: PhuocHung - VISCII 1993 - VietUnicode 2002
License Description: No commercial distribution. No Remap / Modification.
VU Arial Regular Measurement detail
Every Pixel unit: 2048 Size of superscript horizontal font : 1434
Horizontal minimum: -1361 Size of superscript vertical font 1331
Vertical minimum: -665 Superscript horizontal deviation 0
Horizontal maximum: 4096 Superscript vertical deviation 283
Vertical maximum: 2060 Size of subscript level font: 1434
MacStyle: 0 Size of subscript vertical 1331
Minimum readable pixel size: 9 Subscript horizontal offset: 0
Font directionHint: 1 Subscript vertical offset: 977
Ascending part: 1854 Delete line size: 102
Descending part: -434 Delete line position: 530
Line spacing: 67 Font selection identifier: 64
Maximum step width: 4096 Typography ascending: 1491
Minimum left side beraring: -1361 Typography descending -431
Minimum right side beraring: -474 Typography spacing: 307
Horizontal maximum width: 4096 WindowsAscending part: 1854
Non component maximum points 347 WindowsDescending part: 434
Non component maximum contours 63 Bevel: 0
Word weight type: 400 Underline position: -217
Word width type: 5 Underline thickness: 150