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Fontke.com>Font>HY필기L Regular Version 1.00
+ Follow HY필기L HY필기L RegularVersion 1.00
HY필기L Regular Version 1.00 3797 characters in total, assigned to the following Unicode blocks:
Unicode blocks Percent Total code count Total charaters
Basic Latin
75% 128 96
Latin-1 Supplement
100% 128 128
Hangul Jamo
50.39% 256 129
Yi Syllables
24.14% 1168 282
Yi Radicals
73.44% 64 47
97.92% 48 47
29.38% 320 94
97.92% 96 94
Latin Extended-D
41.96% 224 94
65.63% 96 63
Devanagari Extended
96.88% 32 31
65.63% 96 63
Myanmar Extended-B
96.88% 32 31
Tai Viet
65.63% 96 63
Meetei Mayek Extensions
96.88% 32 31
Cherokee Supplement
38.75% 80 31
Meetei Mayek
98.44% 64 63
Hangul Syllables
21.55% 11184 2410
26.85% 14144 3797