Name | Evert Bloemsma | Country or region | Netherlands |
English Name | Evert Bloemsma | Foundry | FSI Fonts Und Software GmbH FontShop FontFont |
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Eric Gill, Adrian Frutiger 和 Max Miedinger是我们每天在用的字体的作者们,这些字体可以说都是不会轻易过时的优秀作品。这里收录了25个在设计领域里最普遍也最具时代性的字体,保证能让设计师用一辈子。Helvetica设计师哪个不认识Helvetica? 瑞士设计师 Max Miedinger 以及 Eduard Hoffmann 的作品。BodoniGiambattista Bodoni 1798年设计的有衬线字体,被Goodfellas gangster用来做电影海报
Eric Gill, Adrian Frutiger 和 Max Miedinger是我们每天在用的字体的作者们,这些字体可以说都
"TypoMag" is an idea after our own heart. It's the first in a ser
Book Trailer For "You Are Not So Smart" In Animated Typography
Yesterday morning while preparing my work for this week a tweet b
FontFont 20 Year Anniversary Special
I know I still owe you July's ScreenFonts – please bear with me a
Winners of The Worldwide Logo Design Annual Announced
Wolda announced the publication of its inaugural 2008 printed ann