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FontExplorer X Pro 5 Gives Type Lovers, Fonts.com Users More

Date:2015-06-29 15:06:18| News|Browse: 121|Source: Fonts.com Blog|Author: Johnathan Zsittnik
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IntroductionAs you might imagine, the Fonts.com team uses quite a few fonts.

As you might imagine, the Fonts.com team uses quite a few fonts. While we're probably a little biased, our favorite app for wrangling the mass quantities of type is Monotype's own FontExplorer® X. That's why we were more than a little bit excited when our Monotype colleagues shared plans for an all new version of the award-winning font manager.

If you're new to FontExplorer X Pro, the app offers a breadth of font discovery, organization and activation controls that makes working with your type collection easy and efficient. Debuting today for Mac systems, version 5 introduces enhancements that improve the app's usability, compatibility and connectivity –allowing you to do more directly within the app, while providing an improved experience. This new version also features a couple of tie-ins that Fonts.com members will appreciate.

Most relevant to the Fonts.com community is the ability load Fonts.com, among several other font stores, directly within FontExplorer X Pro. Now, if you can't find the right typeface on your machine, you can pick up a new one from Fonts.com without ever leaving FontExplorer X Pro. When you download your purchase, FontExplorer X Pro even installs the font for you. Also noteworthy is that version 5 is ready for use by Fonts.com Web Fonts Pro and Master subscribers whose plans include FontExplorer X Pro.

"FontExplorer X Pro 5 offers a breadth of font discovery, organization and activation controls that makes working with your type collection easy and efficient."

Perhaps the most requested new feature (and a personal favorite) is the Font Tile View. Font tiles are larger type showings composed of just a few characters – helpful for when you're evaluating type based on a few select characters. If you find yourself scouring thousands of typefaces for a glyph with specific properties, this feature is for you. The new release is also paired with a suite of new plug-ins for the QuarkXPress® 2015, InDesign®, InCopy®, Illustrator® and Photoshop® applications. These plug-ins provide auto-activation functionality, allowing your application to activate a missing font right when a document is opened. The app adds support for the Unicode 7 and WOFF 2 standards among other new features.

If you'd like to give FontExplorer X Pro 5 a try, visit fontexplorerx.com and download a free 30 day trial. When you're ready to take the plunge, you can purchase a new license for $99 or upgrade from a previous version for just $49. Fonts.com Web Fonts Pro and Master subscribers can use version 5 for free by downloading the free trial and signing in with their Fonts.com credentials.

We've only scratched the surface of what FontExplorer X 5 has to offer—for a complete feature list, head over to FontExplorerX.com. If you have a favorite new feature or a request, be sure to let us know!

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