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Mark Simonson's Changeling Stars In Star Trek

Date:2009-06-27 04:50:51| News|Browse: 95|Source: The FontFeed|Author: Yves Peters
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IntroductionJust a quick one before the weekend. Since commenting on the the

Just a quick one before the weekend. Since commenting on the the most recent episode of ScreenFonts and listing all the Star Trek typefaces available as digital fonts, I found out yet another typographic tidbit. Yesterday I visited Mark Simonson's Notebook after quite a hiatus and discovered in the latest instalment of his excellent Son of Typecasting series that his typeface Changeling made it into the new Star Trek movie. He was able to get photographic evidence from high-resolution promotional stills from the movie. It's a bit hidden in the background, but still easily recognisable.

The crew members James T. Kirk (Chris Pine), McCoy (Karl Urban), an unidentified crew member, Spock (Zachary Quinto), and Sulu (John Cho) on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise.



As Mark explains in his Notebook post:

Changeling was a redesign and expansion of an old film font from the seventies called China. I added more weights, more styles, and more characters, as well as modifying the design as I saw fit. One of the more noticeable things I changed was the "4", which is how I know it's Changeling that was used in the film.

Zachary Quinto stars as Spock.



Mark concludes that he "was in several kinds of geek heaven" when he found out about it, and rightly so. Live long and prosper, Mark!

Changeling was featured in Favourite Club Fonts.

All imagespromotional stills from Star Trek. Photo credit: Industrial Light & Magic.

© 2008 by PARAMOUNT PICTURES. All Rights Reserved.

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